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Home » Academic Plan 2021-2026

Academic Plan 2021-2026

Rising Together: Building a Better Future Through Excellence and Inclusion

The Academic Plan was developed over the 2020/21 academic year with input received through consultation with the 20 schools and departments in LA&PS, online surveys, and a series of Faculty Town Halls. The principles contained in these pages represent our collective aspirations for enhancing the strengths of our Faculty and identifying areas for further growth.

This Academic Plan belongs to everyone in LA&PS. It is the product of the combined input of hundreds of voices from across the Faculty and has benefited considerably from feedback received over a period of several months.

Whether you are a transfer student passing through for a term, a Program Assistant helping students navigate degree requirements, or a professor creating course learning outcomes, we hope you will see yourself reflected in the academic mission articulated in these pages.

We are a diverse Faculty, we are dynamic, and we are exemplary. Over the next five years, we will continue to share our research and teaching strengths with the communities we serve. It is a journey we take together in the pursuit of lifelong learning and academic excellence.

group of people discussing

Consultation Process

APPC hosted a number of virtual consultation sessions during the 2020/21 academic year, including three Town Halls and 21 unit-level visits to LA&PS Schools, Departments and Colleges.

hands writing on sticky notes on a board

Context & Related Documents

In our consultation visits, colleagues expressed a desire for LA&PS to address anti-Black racism, support Indigenous scholars and enhance inclusion as foundational principles within our academic mission. We take up that challenge here.